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ZONE 7 - Thirsty

Good Friday morning, Jesus is paraded through the streets of Jerusalem.


Some cry in sorrow. Others jeer and mock. Jesus is hung on a wooden cross and dies. Abandoned by most of his friends, a few women – including Mary his mother – gather with him.


Jesus dies and is buried quickly before sunset as the Holy Day – Saturday - is about to begin.

The soldiers took Jesus. He carried his own cross to a place called “The Place of the Skull. There they nailed Jesus to the cross.

Jesus’ mother stood near his cross ..(with) .. the follower he loved. He said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son.” Then he said to the follower, “Here is your mother.” … this follower took Jesus’ mother to live in his home.

Later, Jesus .. said, “I am thirsty.” … They put the sponge .. (soaked in wine vinegar) .. and lifted it to Jesus’ mouth. 30 When he tasted the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and died.

(John 19, The Bible)

Ruth and Sam's Easter Journey


Zone 7 - Thirsty

The Voice - Easter Labyrinth

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